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Dreams never hurt anybody if he keeps working right behind the dream to make as much of it come real as he can.
-- Frank W. Woolworth


Saturday, June 15, 2002


When you find yourself blocked at every turn, a very effective way of moving ahead is to innovate. When the things that have worked before no longer seem to work, there’s likely something else, something new and different, that will.

Innovation has increased the standard of living so dramatically for so many people that it’s difficult for most of us to even imagine life without it. Whatever the challenge may be, innovation can be one of the most effective ways to deal with it.

Innovation comes from an attitude of knowing that there must be a better way. Innovation comes when you’re open to change.

Many new ideas and innovations probably won’t work. Yet that one innovation that will work is worth the effort needed to discover and develop it because it can dramatically change things.

If you keep getting stuck doing what you’ve always done, perhaps it’s time to innovate. Know that a new and better way is there, make the commitment to find it, and put innovation to work for you.

— Ralph Marston

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