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In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
-- Cassius Longinus


Friday, June 14, 2002

The next step

The most important step for you to take is the next step. The next step forms a crucial connection between your past actions and your future results. If you fail to take the next step, all the steps you’ve taken before will be wasted. If you do not take the next step, all the steps you’ve so carefully planned to take cannot be reached.

Success is achieved by those who are always willing to take the next step, whatever that step may be. Life’s greatest accomplishments are never magically created all at once, but are built one step at a time.

Entrepreneurs who build successful businesses do so by always being ready to take the next step. People who create positive and lasting relationships do so by always being there to take the next step.

Right now there is an all-important next step for you to take. You’ve come a long way, and now is your opportunity to keep the momentum going, or to get it going again if it has slowed. Now is the moment to do what comes next. Take the next step, and connect yourself with the best of your possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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