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Doubt is the father of invention.
-- Galileo Galilei


Saturday, June 8, 2002

Reality check

The world is the way it is, today is the way it is, your situation is the way it is. So what are you going to do about it?

Are you going to wish you could go back to the past? Then you’ll just end up more frustrated by the reality that time only moves in one direction -- forward. Are you going to wait for someone or something to solve your problems for you? Then you’ll just end up further behind at the end of the day.

Are you going to put all your energy into anger and resentment because you’ve been treated so unfairly? Then the negative things you focus upon will grow even stronger, holding you back more firmly than ever before.

Or perhaps you’ll decide to take positive, effective control. Perhaps you’ll accept responsibility for the way things are, and begin to move forward.

Perhaps you will realize that it doesn’t matter who is at fault or how you got here, but what’s important is what you’re going to do about it. Perhaps you’ll use the moments in this day not to resent or regret or relive the past, but to build, to create, to improve the future.

Here you are in this world, this world that is undeniably the way it is. You can do nothing to change what you’ve got, yet you can do everything to vastly improve what you get.

— Ralph Marston

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