Monday, February 4, 2002
Did you notice?
Did you notice the sunrise this morning? Did you feel the gentle warmth in your child’s heart as she kissed you? Did you stop to marvel at how many good people were doing their best to do their jobs to keep life moving positively forward?
Did you remember to appreciate and be thankful for all the good times you’ve known, and all the good things you have, and all the great possibilities which are open to you? Did you count your many blessings and look for new ways to share them?
Did you offer a kind word of encouragement? Did you suddenly smile for no reason and then keep on smiling because of how good it made everyone feel? Did you pause and just let your spirit be energized by the beauty and wonder of being alive? Did you say thank you every time you could?
On your list of things to do, be sure to include the things that really matter. By itself, simply being busy won’t get you very far. Live, with your thoughts, your efforts and your time, like your life really means something, and sure enough, it will.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2002 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.