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The demand to be loved is the greatest of all arrogant presumptions.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche


Saturday, February 2, 2002

Free from worry

You don’t have to worry about anything. Worry is not something you have to do, it’s something you choose to do, and you can just as easily choose not to worry. Worry accomplishes nothing and costs precious time and energy. So why would you want to spend your time on it?

Even when there’s every reason to be concerned, there’s no reason to worry. There are plenty of other, much more effective ways to respond to any situation.

Just imagine what it would be like to be completely free from worry. Think of how much you could accomplish, and think of how positively it would affect every moment of every day. You can be free from worry, right here, right now. Simply understand that your worries accomplish nothing, and let them drop quickly away from you.

When you feel the urge to worry, make the choice to act on your concerns rather than worrying about them. Doing something positive is infinitely more valuable than thinking of something negative.

Leave your worries behind, put your energy into effective action, and be amazed at the great things you can accomplish.

— Ralph Marston

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