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The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next.
-- Helen Keller


Saturday, January 12, 2002

Grand opportunity

If you take comfort in complaining about your life you’ll find plenty to complain about. The more you feel sorry for yourself, the more reasons you’ll have to feel sorry for yourself.

But why in the world would you want to get caught in that terrible downward spiral? It will bring you nothing of value.

Sure, life is unfair. But rather than using that as an excuse to give up, see it as a challenge to keep going. If your life was totally fair and predictable, full of nothing but empty pleasures, you’d grow hopelessly bored with it within a week or two.

Nothing can compare to the joy that comes when you truly make a positive difference in spite of the obstacles you face. It doesn’t matter what life has handed you. What really matters is what you do with it.

Life is unfair, and because it is unfair you are presented with a grand opportunity. You can find joy and delight and fulfillment anyway. The hardships you must transcend only serve to make the real, genuine experience of living that much more valuable.

Today is a beautiful, wonderful day that is like no other. Rather than searching for something to complain about, look for something to do with it that will make it great.

— Ralph Marston

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