virgin islands scene

The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.
-- William Lloyd Garrison


Friday, January 11, 2002

Act like it

A  great cure for self defeating thoughts is empowering behavior. When you’re feeling down and you try to think your way out of it, often you’ll end up thinking your way even deeper into despair. So stop thinking about it. Get up and do something positive.

Challenge yourself to take action that will make a difference. Moving with real action in a positive, productive way will leave those negative thoughts with very little chance to survive.

A great way to occupy your mind with positive thoughts is to fill your time with positive actions. If you’re not in the mood to help yourself, then get busy helping someone else. That will truly boost your energy level and empower you to do great things. Experience the enormous positive power that exists in a kind, sincere gesture.

Are you truly serious about becoming more positive? Then act like it. Your body will do what you tell it to do. So tell it to get busy, and watch those negative thoughts melt quickly away.

— Ralph Marston

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