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Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both.
-- John Andrew Holmes


Tuesday, January 8, 2002

State your intentions

The way to get what you want is to be very clear and confident about exactly what it is. When you have a vague idea about what you’d maybe like to accomplish, then the best you can hope for is to maybe move in the same general direction that you sort of think you want to go. What good is that? Not much. Instead of being tentative and vague, be confident and clear.

It is amazing how much power and strength you can give to your efforts just by making it clear what results you intend to accomplish. You can literally feel that power the moment you confidently and positively state your intentions.

So go ahead and do it. State your intentions and feel the power. “I will sign up five new customers this week.” “I will clean out the filing cabinet.” “I will get a managerial position in the advertising industry.” Stay away from “I’ll try” or “I might” or “I’d like to.” Those are far too conditional.

Challenge yourself to achieve the best you can imagine. Say “I will.” Say it and mean it. Then get up, feel the power, and make it happen. You deserve the best and you’re fully capable of it when you state your intentions with clarity and confidence.

— Ralph Marston

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