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Shun idleness, it is the rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals.
-- Voltaire


Monday, January 7, 2002

Give your value

Give the value of your own effort, attention and commitment to this day and that value will come back to you many times over. What you have to work with is not nearly so important as what you do with it.

People who consistently achieve great things all have at least one thing in common. They make good use of what they have. Though the ingredients of success vary widely, what’s most important is to actually make use of those ingredients.

Right now you can begin moving toward your most treasured desires simply by deciding to make the best use of whatever you have available. It may not seem like much, and yet many people have achieved magnificent things with far less. Whatever you have is plenty to begin moving toward whatever you wish to become. The raw materials for success and achievement are at your fingertips, ready for you to start making the effort.

You deserve to achieve whatever you desire. And you deserve to know the joy and fulfillment of creating that achievement though your own effort, by making good use of what you have. It’s a great way to be truly alive and it is yours to choose at any time.

This day is yours in which to live. Give everything you can to it, and the rewards will be enormous.

— Ralph Marston

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