Wednesday, December 19, 2001
Higher possibility
For everything that is impossible, there is something even better that is indeed possible. For example, it is impossible to constantly deceive others and to keep their trust. But why would you want that anyway? It is far better to maintain honest, truthful relationships with the other people in your life. And that is certainly possible.
It is impossible to receive money without exchanging something of value for it, such as your time, your effort, your expertise or your old truck. But would you really want it any other way? What if money was free? It would then be worthless. Free money is impossible. And yet it is possible to work and earn money, and then to exchange that money for things of value. That’s a much better possibility.
The only things that are impossible are things you wouldn’t really want anyway. So if you come across something that’s impossible, don’t waste time agonizing over it. Simply ask yourself this question. What is possible that would be even better?
Always there is an answer. When you run up against a wall, don’t look down and curse. Look up and reach for an even higher, even better possibility.
Ralph Marston

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