virgin islands scene

It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes


Saturday, December 1, 2001

The power of intention

You are going to have precisely what you think you are going to have. You are going to become precisely the person you think you are going to become. So what do you think?

Are your ambitions vague and tentative? If so, then you’re barreling full speed ahead toward a vague and tentative future. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Decide precisely where you intend to go and as soon as you do you’re on your way there.

Life is lived by intention. So make your intentions clear and positive. Try saying to yourself “I hope I can make this sale.” Now try saying “I intend to make this sale.” Can you feel the enormous difference in power?

You cannot escape the power of your intentions. What you can do is decide whether those intentions will be vague and doubtful, or whether they’ll be clear, positive and empowering.

Live with the best of intentions. Make them positive. Make them clear. Make them specific and ambitious. Make them fit the person you are. Make them true to your purpose. Your intentions are powerful indeed. Put them to work for you.

— Ralph Marston

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