Friday, November 23, 2001
The ever-present now
Rather than running away from right now, make use of it. There’s no need to rush into the future. There’s no point in retreating into the past. Now is the time you have. It is like nothing that has ever been and like nothing that will ever be. It is indeed a special and unique time and it is yours to live this very moment.
Live it and enjoy it. There’s no sense in being frustrated about what you don’t have right now. Instead, appreciate and make use of what you do have. What you have is enough -- enough to move you in whatever direction you desire to go.
Use each moment fully and sincerely, acting authentically and in harmony with those things you value most. As you do, your most deeply held dreams will easily and naturally unfold. Put your energy into being your best, not into wishing for more or regretting what has gone before.
You can learn from the past, but you cannot gain anything from living there. You can work and plan and build for the future, but you cannot live or enjoy your life there. The time to live, the time to drink in life’s joys, is the present moment. Even the joys of the past and the best hopes for the future exist within you right now.
Now is your moment. Now is your life, and it is filled with beautiful, joyful possibilities. Live it, experience it, and make the most of it in the ever-present now.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2001 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.