Thursday, November 15, 2001
Jump all the way in
Holding back will not move you ahead. When you put forth an effort, make it a full effort, not a half-hearted one. Enthusiasm and energy will carry you past almost any obstacle.
Immerse yourself fully in whatever you’re doing, and your results will be spectacular. Those endeavors out of which you get the most value are the ones into which you most ardently and persistently put yourself.
To get more from life, jump into it all the way. Take part. Participate. Make a difference. Speak up. Get off the sidelines and get in the game.
Rather than running or hiding from those troubling aspects of your life, find a way to get involved so you can exert a positive influence on them. Instead of handing out complaints, offer helpful suggestions and take positive action.
If something is important enough to invest your precious time in, then it’s important enough to invest your commitment, attention and enthusiasm in as well. Don’t just work -- achieve. Don’t just exist -- live. Get everything you can from each moment by putting in everything you have.
Ralph Marston

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