Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Key to victory
On the days when it seems that life has turned against you, remember this. Your problems do not define you. Your circumstances do not define you. These things affect you, they influence you, and much of life is spent dealing with them in one way or another. Still, you exist apart from them.
Always keep that in mind. There is an essential part of you that would be the same no matter what problems may or may not come your way, no matter what the circumstances in which you may find yourself may be.
There is a beautiful, worthy, joyous person deep down inside you, far away from the problems of the moment. You can control your attitude. You can control your expectations of yourself. You can control your thoughts, taking into account what is going on around you but also independently of what is happening.
There is a part of you that no person, no problem, no circumstance can control. You can continually move yourself positively forward, no matter what forces may be pushing you back. You are in control of the things that matter most, and that is your key to victory in any situation.
Ralph Marston

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