Tuesday, September 25, 2001
No regrets
Regrets can never be fully erased, yet they can be prevented. One day soon you’ll look back on today. Whether you look back with regret or with satisfaction depends entirely on what you do right now.
This moment right now is in your hands. Though there are plenty of circumstances beyond your control, those things do not matter nearly so much as the things you can control -- your thoughts and your actions. Though the future is uncertain, one thing about it is abundantly clear. The more positively and completely you make full use of the present, the more positive options you’ll create for yourself no matter what the future brings.
Imagine yourself looking back on today from some point in the future. What will you wish you had done? Now is your one and only opportunity to do it. What will you regret? Now is the time to prevent those regrets.
Rather than setting yourself up to wonder “why didn’t I?” work to put yourself in the position of being able to say “I’m glad I did."
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2001 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.