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If you are never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances.
-- Julia Soul


Monday, September 24, 2001


When confronted with a new, different and rapidly-changing situation, there are many ways in which you can respond. One of the best ways to respond is with imagination.

Difficult problems become grand opportunities because of imagination. Ideas become achievements because of imagination. The world moves forward as the result of imagination.

Each of us is born with a robust imagination. Yet too often as we grow older and more cynical, we fail to heed its urgings. So many incredible opportunities are missed as a result. So many of our best possibilities never even get considered when we lose touch with imagination.

Achievement requires more than imagination, and yet every achievement begins with imagination. You have a powerful and unique imagination, and with it you can make a tremendous positive difference in the world. That imagination grows stronger and more effective each time you make the effort to use it.

When things are at their worst, imagine the best and then make it happen. When things are at their best, imagine what would make them even better, and follow that course with your actions.

Challenge yourself to make full use of, and give full support to, one the most powerful tools you have -- your imagination.

— Ralph Marston

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