Monday, June 25, 2001
Stop wishing
One of the biggest insults you can perpetrate against yourself is to wish that you could have something for nothing, to wish that you could receive a reward without making the necessary effort.
When you make such a wish, you’re slapping yourself in the face. You’re insulting your own ability to take disciplined action. You’re disparaging your own capacity to achieve the results you desire.
Even if you did get something for nothing, it would be mostly worthless. The value you seek cannot be truly yours without the discipline, the effort, the action and the persistence necessary to achieve and create that value. Something for nothing is mostly a sad illusion.
The more you wish to have something for nothing, the more you are belittling the truly incredible power you have to reach your goals. So stop wishing and start making it happen. The moment you stop dreaming and start doing, your confidence and effectiveness will come to life. There’s no need put your hope in getting something for nothing. You can do something much, much better and far more reliable. You can do whatever it takes to achieve whatever you desire.
Ralph Marston

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