Friday, April 6, 2001
Believe it
It pays to be a little skeptical in a world where people are constantly making all sorts of fantastic claims. You certainly cannot believe all you read, or hear or see on television. Get-rich-quick schemes, miracle weight loss products, hot stock tips and other such things promise to quickly and easily solve problems with little or no effort. They seem so enticing, yet they usually turn out to be just enticement and nothing more. A healthy skepticism can save you from a lot of pain and disappointment.
When it comes to yourself and the possibilities for your own life and your ability to make those possibilities a reality, however, set your skepticism aside. What you believe is possible for your life, is possible. What you believe about yourself, is who you are. What you decide to accomplish, you will accomplish.
Allow yourself to believe in yourself. Allow yourself to believe that the best in life is possible for you. Let your belief infect, infuse and empower your thoughts, your actions, and your expectations. In your belief is the power to overcome whatever obstacles may stand in your way.
When the world promises you something, it’s just common sense to temper your belief with a healthy skepticism. Yet when you make a promise to yourself, believe it with everything you have and you’ll find a way to keep that promise.
Ralph Marston

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