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We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.
-- Stevie Wonder


Thursday, March 29, 2001

Turn it around

The greatest triumphs can rise from the most devastating defeats. When all is lost, there is everything to gain. Never, ever can you be so far down that you’re unable to pull yourself back up. There is always a way to transform loss into victory.

Rejoice in the good fortune of having made it through a bad experience and then set to work to turn it around. Not only can it be done, when you do it you’ll be creating a triumph of the greatest proportions.

Challenge yourself to be a turnaround specialist in your own life, in your own world. Look for challenging situations and pull the positive possibilities out of them. There are opportunities everywhere. From the mundane to the momentous, every difficulty is ripe with positive possibilities.

Life is filled with energy and far too much of it is negatively directed. Make it your job to redirect the enormous amount of energy around you into positive pursuits, and the world will marvel at what you accomplish.

— Ralph Marston

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