virgin islands scene

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.
-- William Shakespeare


Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Do something about it

If you’re having a difficult day, do something about it. When things aren’t going your way, do something about it. Is something bothering you? Is there something you’re concerned about? Do something about it.

When the situation seems overwhelming, do something about it. Once you start to take action, the whole dynamic of the situation begins to change immediately. Rather than suffering under a negative influence, you’re busy making a positive difference.

That will change your outlook for the better. It will improve your energy level. It will enable you to see the positive possibilities. Start moving yourself forward, and the momentum which had been working against you begins to move in your favor.

You’re alive, intelligent, aware, experienced and capable of making things happen. Every moment is your opportunity to make use of your incredible good fortune. Life can indeed be great when you make up your mind to do something about it.

— Ralph Marston

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