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Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
-- Nathaniel Emmons


Saturday, March 10, 2001

Sure it’s difficult

Your life is a miracle, filled with boundless possibility. Every moment is a priceless opportunity. A world of possibilities stretches out at your feet, right now, this very minute. And it is all there waiting for you to make the most of it.

Does that sound like a lot of hard work? Well, it should. Because it is. Life is difficult. It is wonderful and miraculous, but it is also difficult. Now, you have a choice. You can wish for it to be easy, but in so doing you’ll only succeed in making it more difficult. Or, you can just go ahead, accept that it is difficult, and in so doing you begin to make it truly great.

Think for a moment how life would be if it were not difficult. Think of what living would be like if there were no challenges. What would motivate you? What would give you enduring satisfaction? Of what value would your accomplishments be if they were brought about with no difficulty? And what about money? What if there were no difficulties involved in earning money? It would have no value. You wouldn’t be able to buy anything with it. It would be truly worthless.

Of course life is difficult. It’s difficult because it has so very much positive value. It’s worth all the difficulty multiplied a hundred fold and then some. When you can truly appreciate that, the difficulties fade from your concern and the positive possibilities take center stage.

— Ralph Marston

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