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Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.
-- Jane Hopkins


Friday, February 9, 2001

Time for action

Now is the time to follow your dreams. Now is the time to fulfill your possibilities. Life can be as full, rich and joyful and you’re willing to make it. There’s absolutely no reason to put it off until later. You’ll only cheat yourself out of the golden days that can be yours.

Stop for a moment and consider your dreams, your hopes and your ambitions. They are yours for a reason. They are yours because you are in the best position to follow and fulfill them. They are yours because they will compel you to make a positive difference in your own special way.

Today is the time for action, for commitment, for living with purpose and positive direction. Today is an opportunity for you to be the best you can be by making progress toward your own special dreams. What are they? What can you do right now to move toward them? Consider how great that will make you feel, and how memorable it will make today.

— Ralph Marston

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