Thursday, February 8, 2001
Correcting imbalance
When faced with a threat there are some people who grow stronger. When faced with a threat there are others who become weaker. The difference is nothing more, and nothing less, than a matter of choice.
Are you able to be sincerely thankful for the challenges in your life? Can you accept a situation for what it is, and then work to make it better? If so, then your choice in the face of difficulty will be one of strength.
Most challenges are defined by an imbalance between the way things are and the way you desire for them to be. As such, they represent a superb opportunity to correct that imbalance. This is because they bring that imbalance to the forefront of your mind, with clarity and in a personally meaningful way, so that you can do something about it.
Gratitude and acceptance enable you to clearly see that fortunate reality, to make the choice for strength. It may seem strange to be genuinely thankful for the challenges, difficulties and disappointments. And yet such an approach allows you to tap into the real, life-changing positive power which they offer.
Ralph Marston

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