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In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
-- Henry Ward Beecher


Friday, November 10, 2000

Precious life

Life is too precious to spend it worrying about what other people think. The best way to make a good impression is by being the genuine person you are. Pretenses fall short. True sincerity comes more naturally and has the added benefit of being vastly more impressive.

Life is too precious to stand still and just watch it pass by. Jump in and become involved. Yes, it will often be uncomfortable. Yes, it will become stressful at times. Certainly there will be challenges to overcome. That’s the beauty of it!

Life is too precious not to make a difference. You have something special and positive to offer. When you make use of your blessings they will grow to become even more valuable. Look at any person you consider highly successful and you’ll easily see that to be the case.

Whenever you’re faced with a decision about which way to go, about how to spend your time, about where to set your priorities, stop for a moment and remind yourself. Life is truly precious and you are fortunate enough to be living it. Then move confidently ahead in the direction where that thought leads.

— Ralph Marston

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