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The envious man thinks that if his neighbor breaks a leg, he will be able to walk better himself.
-- Helmut Schoeck


Thursday, October 19, 2000

Stumbles and frustrations

The stumbles you endure on the way to the top of the mountain do not make the view from the summit any less magnificent. In fact, they make it more precious and full of meaning.

Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Each mistake, each frustration has within itself the power to stop you once. Don’t add to that power by allowing it to continue stopping you. Get on past it and never look back. It’s relatively easy to get past the frustrations. There’s no sense in making it more difficult by adding your own regret.

The main value of any accomplishment comes from the effort with which it is reached. That’s why diamonds, which are rare and difficult to find, are far more valuable than the pebbles which can be found anywhere.

The stumbles, the mistakes, the frustrations, the difficult efforts all serve to create value in the accomplishment which is sought. Take them in stride. You can get through them and you will, on your way to achieving exactly what you desire.

— Ralph Marston

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