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Expand your definition of the word love to include all things and notice how big your heart becomes.
-- Panache Desai


Wednesday, October 18, 2000

Some days

Some days you become weary. Really rest for a while, not too long, then get back on track with renewed vigor and purpose. Some days you become satisfied. Be careful not to let that stop you; build enthusiastically on what you have accomplished. The greatest value is of no value if it is not put to use.Some days you’ll be sad. Take comfort in knowing that your sadness is possible only because joy is also possible. It is painful and yet it is beautiful that you’re able to care so much. You’ll get through it.Some days will be frustrating. Though you have the best of intentions, though you make a genuine effort, the results fall short of the mark. Learn from these days. Take a deep breath. Know you’re making progress even if it doesn’t seem so.Some days will be joyful. Treasure these days. Live them completely and with no remorse. They are yours to live and to hold as well. Fully experience them so that they will be with you always.

— Ralph Marston

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