Monday, October 16, 2000
Creating value
When you attempt to get ahead at the expense of others, you’ll be resisted every step of the way. Yet when you seek to get ahead by creating value for others, the world will happily push you forward.
Rise above the crowd and then genuinely seek ways to bring the crowd along. It’s a much more effective strategy than looking for ways to push everyone else down. There’s only so much you can possibly take away from others, yet there is no limit to what you can create for yourself and the world around you.
Those who win big can’t do it by creating losers. In fact, those who win big do it by creating other winners. Those who win big do it not by fighting over what’s already there, but by creating something that has never existed before.
Losers look for ways to get away with stealing value from others. Winners know that the way to true abundance is to create as much value as possible for as many other people as possible. You can do it too, right now. It happens every day, and the whole world moves forward as a result.
Ralph Marston

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