virgin islands scene

An artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it.
-- Paul Valery


Saturday, October 14, 2000

Be you

The surest way to make a good impression is to be yourself. After all, being you is what you do best. You have a great deal of experience at it. The surest way to look like a fool is by attempting to impress others with something you’re not.

Success comes not from pretense. Success comes from substance. Perhaps you think the substance of your life is not that impressive. If so, you’re completely and absolutely wrong!

You are overflowing with substance and value and it will show if you’ll just let it. Your own experiences, thoughts, interests, knowledge, passions, desires, integrity and sense of humor, among many other things, set you apart and make you truly special.

You are wonderful and you are worthy. The power of substance comes from being who you are. Be you. It is your destiny. The world is waiting to joyfully throw its arms around the genuine, valuable person you know you are.

— Ralph Marston

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