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Success is never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts.
-- Jules Ellinger


Monday, October 2, 2000

Take responsibility

Those who would convince you to abandon responsibility are, without exception, intending to take advantage of you. When you give up responsibility you give up power over your own life. When you abandon your own responsibility you open yourself up to being cheated and betrayed. Those who offer to “relieve” you of responsibility do not have your best interests at heart, even though they may act, or pretend to act, out of a sense of compassion.

There is no way around the fact that to have more power and influence over your own life you must take responsibility for it. The more fully you maintain responsibility for your life, the more influence you have over your own circumstances. It is a formula which can lift you up or cut you down, depending on how you respond to it.

Though responsibility is an effort, it is also a profound joy. Imagine admiring some great achievement and knowing that you are largely responsible for making it happen. That sense of accomplishment has no equal. The more responsibility you take for your own life on a moment by moment basis, the richer that life will be.

— Ralph Marston

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