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Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.
-- Pearl S. Buck


Saturday, September 30, 2000

Engine of accomplishment

Lift up your head and look clearly at where you intend to go. The more intensely you can visualize your goal, the more rapid will be your progress in reaching it. No matter how weary you may be, when you can look ahead to a clear, specific and meaningful goal it will get you going and keep you going until the race is won.

Where do you desire to be? Where is all your effort leading? What will it look like; what will it sound like? How will it feel? Put your objective clearly in sight, and the path to that objective will become increasingly apparent. You’ll be drawn to that which you visualize intensely enough.

With a clearly defined and deeply desired goal, you’ll avoid getting bogged down by the details of the moment. If you don’t have such an objective, the first order of business is to develop one that will push you forward. Then keep your focus on that goal; keep your effort and attention directed toward it. That’s the powerful and effective engine of accomplishment, just waiting for you to tap into it.

— Ralph Marston

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