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You don't know what you can get away with until you try.
-- General Colin Powell


Wednesday, September 20, 2000

Double your effort

Right now you can take one sure and steady step toward whatever you desire. It may not seem like much, yet for every step forward you take, you actually gain two steps. Why? Because at any point in time you have a choice. You can either move toward your goal or you can move away from it. Standing still is usually not an option. So when you move forward, you also avoid moving backward. That’s a net gain of double your effort.

When you spend your time and effort today in moving forward, not only do you make progress, you also avoid having to play catch up tomorrow. Indeed, now is the time to act. The sooner you get started, the farther you can go and the more effective you’ll be.

The choice is yours. You can act today and double your effectiveness, or you can wait until later and slice your effectiveness in half. This moment right now is yours to leverage in a powerful way. It’s a great opportunity. Make it count!

— Ralph Marston

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