Thursday, September 14, 2000
Self criticism
You are probably your most diligent critic. In many ways that’s good. It can keep you focused. It can prevent you from making serious mistakes. And yet your own self criticism can also hold you back. It can stop you before you ever get started. It can cause you to discard ideas and plans which could turn out to be quite valuable if pursued.
Pay attention to your own inner critic. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else. Your criticism of yourself is often useful and well deserved. At the same time, don’t let yourself be stopped by that criticism.
It’s great to hold yourself to a high standard, as long as that doesn’t also hold you back. Temper your self criticism with self encouragement. Let it push you forward rather than get you down. Look realistically at your own weaknesses and shortcomings. See them for the true opportunities they are. Answer your own criticism with a renewed positive commitment to achievable excellence.
Ralph Marston

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