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The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going.
-- David Starr Jordan


Wednesday, September 13, 2000

Truly important

Stop right now and remember. Recall your most deeply held desires. Think of your richest blessings. Focus on your most profound joys. What can you do right this moment to build upon and strengthen the very things which give your life meaning?

Have your dreams become buried under the aimless details of everyday life? Is your attention too often dominated by trivial things to the point where there’s no time or energy remaining for that which truly matters?

There is a beautiful and powerful meaning to your life under all the noise. Of course you know that. It pays to remember often. When the details and complexities seem overwhelming, keep in mind that there is much, much more to life.

Give time, thought, value and expression to those things which are truly important to you, and those things in turn will bring a depth of richness to your life.

— Ralph Marston

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