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Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thursday, August 31, 2000

Beyond achievement

Victory can stop you from moving forward just as surely as defeat. Accomplishment is often viewed as a final destination. But what good is accomplishment if it stops you in your tracks?

Success is a state of being rather than a target. Certainly you want to move toward specific goals and achieve them. The real value of success, however, comes in the process just as much as in the result. Living successfully means that each achievement is the starting point for another achievement, rather than a place to stop.

It’s natural to feel satisfied when a goal has been achieved. Just make sure that satisfaction doesn’t get the best of you. Don’t celebrate so long and hard that it starts to make you soft and complacent. Rather, quickly look for the new possibilities which your achievement affords.

Keep moving forward in spite of your disappointments. And keep moving forward beyond your achievements. Accept and enjoy the tragedies and triumphs along the way, then continue to move successfully toward even better things.

— Ralph Marston

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