virgin islands scene

One can go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
-- Abraham Maslow


Tuesday, August 1, 2000

Your treasure today

Expect to find a special treasure today. Somewhere in the moments, the people, the situations, the challenges, the experiences of this day will be a unique and valuable gem which can truly enrich your life.

If you start this day with the goal of just getting through it, that treasure will most certainly elude you. If you spend your energy on anxiety, anger, blame, despair or vindictiveness, you’ll go right past that special treasure and never know its beauty.

Today is the day when you can bring truly good things to your life. Today is the day for you to live with real and substantial meaning. Putting it off until some day in the distant future assures you of never having the treasure which can be yours this very day.

Look around you. Count your many blessings. Open yourself to the treasure which can be yours right now. Live each of today’s moments as if they were special and irreplaceable, because they most certainly are. See the beauty and magnificence that is yours to live as you gather the golden treasure of today.

— Ralph Marston

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