virgin islands scene

I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
-- Helen Keller


Wednesday, May 31, 2000

While you have it

You have exactly one opportunity to make today the best it can be. Once the day is over, you’ve either made the most of it or you haven’t. You’ve either made use of it while it was here or you’ve let it slip away.

One day may not seem like much. After all, there will be others. But unless you respect and value each day as it comes along, even enough days to last a dozen lifetimes would be of little use.

Today is yours right now. Use it to get things done. Use it to make a positive difference. Use it to change your momentum for the better, or to maintain the forward direction you’ve already established. There are plenty of things to do. You know what they are. Today is here for you to use.

The most gnawing regrets are for things not done, for actions not taken, for opportunities not acted upon. Don’t set yourself up for regret today. Get busy! Use it while you have it, and tomorrow will be even brighter.

— Ralph Marston

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