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To be aware of a single shortcoming in oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in someone else.
-- Dalai Lama


Tuesday, May 30, 2000


Every moment is a miracle. Though we often take this world and this life for granted, the fact is that we exist, experience and even thrive against unimaginable odds.

You’re already a winner because you are here today, living and breathing, capable of making decisions, thinking thoughts, taking action and accomplishing great things. A whole miraculous universe is available to you here in this moment.

Those people who are able to tap into just a fraction of their potential enjoy stunning levels of success and achievement. Imagine what would happen if you were to do the same, right now.

Though you’ve made mistakes, though others may have hurt you, though you may be weary and filled with regret, still this life is full of positive possibilities for you. Step back for a moment and look at the whole picture. Consider the boundless magnitude of your good fortune. Live every moment as if it were the most miraculous thing you could ever imagine, because it is.

— Ralph Marston

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