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Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.
-- Abraham Lincoln


Thursday, May 25, 2000


No matter how sincere your intentions may be, no matter how positive and productive your actions may be, there will be those who find a way to criticize you. When that happens, keep in mind that the criticism is their problem, not yours.

If you wish, you can make it your problem by becoming defensive, vengeful, or offended. Such a response only gives more power to your critics. Do you really want to give those who criticize you control over your thoughts and actions? Of course not. And yet that is precisely what happens when you allow the criticism to get to you.

Learn from the criticism. It can teach you much about yourself and about your critic. Answer the criticism with a positive response if appropriate. Find value in the criticism and apply that value to your life. Don’t give power to it by fighting it or letting it control you. That’s exactly what your critic wants.

When you’re being criticized, it means you’re making a difference. Rather than allowing criticism to stop you or confound you, use it to move you positively forward.

— Ralph Marston

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