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The price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts.
-- Winston Churchill


Friday, May 5, 2000

Do it anyway

You can always find a good excuse not to take action. But what would you rather have -- good excuses or the real, satisfying fruits of achievement? There is always some person or some circumstance you can blame when you fail to live up to your possibilities. But what good will that do you?

The next time you find yourself looking for a good excuse, stop and ask yourself why. Keeping up appearances is easy. All it gets you, though, is a good superficial appearance. Wouldn’t you rather go for real substance?

There are many very good, very understandable reasons why you cannot be the best you can be. Pay them no heed. Make the commitment to succeed in spite of the excuses, rather than to fail because of them. It’s your choice.

There are plenty of things to stop you. Go ahead and do it anyway. Instead of amassing a large collection of excuses, build yourself a life that’s rich in meaning and accomplishment.

— Ralph Marston

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