Tuesday, May 2, 2000
Getting ahead
The difference between getting by and getting ahead is mainly one of perspective. Getting ahead results from looking ahead, and from focusing your efforts on creating long-term value. Getting ahead comes from doing more than just what is expected or required.
With an eye toward the future, make the extra effort, provide the extra value, become more effective, commit to continual learning and growth. These are the things which will push you ahead.
Luck and circumstance certainly cannot be depended upon to get you ahead. Being in the right place at the right time won’t even reliably do it. If you want to get ahead, you must undertake to get yourself ahead.
You can use up all your energy and resources to just get by. Or you can change your focus and use that same energy, those same resources to achieve something spectacular. The difference is not in what’s available to you, but rather in what you do with those things which are available. The difference is in your perspective.
Will you just get by, or will you soar to impressive heights? Fix your focus solidly ahead. Look ahead, think ahead, act ahead and you will most certainly get ahead.
Ralph Marston

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