virgin islands scene

Character is fate.
-- Heraclitus


Monday, May 1, 2000

Life grows when shared

The greatest thing you can do today is to make a positive difference for someone. When you do that, not only do you enhance the life of another, you add to your own life as well.

Those who are the biggest winners in the truest sense of the word are those who make the biggest positive difference in the lives of others. Thinking, living, acting and speaking only for yourself leads to isolation and despair.

The way to fully experience the joy of life is to share it. Extend your moments, your thoughts, your energy toward others and these things will grow in meaning and effectiveness.

If you’re not making a difference for others, you’re only living a small fraction of life. You have something special to offer. Make a real difference for someone and watch as your world becomes a more beautiful place.

— Ralph Marston

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