virgin islands scene

Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
-- Clare Boothe Luce


Tuesday, February 1, 2000

Overnight success

When you woke up this morning, you suddenly had all the makings of an overnight success. The negative thoughts and actions, which held you back for so long, disappeared as you were sleeping. And there’s no need for you to reclaim them.

This very day you awoke to a new world, a world filled with limitless possibility. As you slept, you cast off the past, and all its disappointments. When the sun rose this morning it illuminated a new person -- you.

The failures of your past have turned into a positive determination to make a better future. The problems of the present have been elevated to opportunities. The things which once held you back have suddenly made you stronger. Do you feel the change?

Today your life begins anew. You can choose to relapse into the negativity of the past, but why would you want to do so. Look instead at the positive possibilities. This very day is your greatest opportunity yet. Grab it and make it a winner!

— Ralph Marston

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