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Passion costs me too much to bestow it on every trifle.
-- Thomas Adams


Monday, January 31, 2000

A positive difference

To make a positive difference you must act with a difference. When others are concerned about what they can get, concern yourself with what you can create. Where others are looking for someone to blame, put your focus on what can be done.

If the rest of the world sees a problem, make it your job to uncover the accompanying opportunity. When all others have given up, find a way to keep going. In the midst of bickering and disorder, speak with a strong but calm voice of reason.

To make a positive difference requires that you go against the negative grain. It takes courage to be positively different. The easier course is to just go along with the crowd. Yet darkness is abated only by a shining light, not by more darkness.

Stand up. Stand out. Have the courage to leave the well-worn path of mediocrity. Do it differently and truly make a difference.

— Ralph Marston

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