virgin islands scene

There are people who have money and people who are rich.
-- Coco Gabrielle Chanel


Thursday, February 8, 2024

It comes back

You gain more by giving than you do by demanding. Whatever you need or want or otherwise seek, find ways to offer.

If you wish to learn, a powerful way is to teach. To be better understood, do the work and spend the time to understand.

Life, and the people who live it, reflect your attitude back to you, often with remarkable fidelity. Those around you regularly pick up on and mimic your priorities, your actions and expressions.

You can’t compel anyone to treat you better. Yet you can choose precisely how you interact with everyone else, and that has a big impact.

You have much more power than you may realize. That power is best exercised not through complaints and demands, but with the contributions you make and the genuine favors you offer.

Listen patiently, care sincerely, engage respectfully, speak and act honestly. Because one way or another, it comes back to you.

— Ralph Marston

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