virgin islands scene

For lack of attention a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day.
-- Evelyn Underhill


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Live it now

Fill today with living. That’s what it’s for.

As each moment passes, bring into being some fresh new richness. There’s no shortage of possibilities for doing so.

What have you always wanted to learn? What experiences, achievements, observations, and joys would best fill the hours of this day?

Before you dare to wish for more opportunities, make use of the ones you already have. Instead of putting off fulfillment until some later date, go ahead and live it now.

You’ll always have the excuses, but you only have one shot at living this day. So step beyond those excuses and live today as fully as you can imagine.

Life is yours, and it’s a great thing to have. Live it now.

— Ralph Marston

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