virgin islands scene

Life is a matter of luck, and the odds in favor of success are in no way enhanced by extreme caution.
-- Erich Topp


Is it worth
to you to be constantly reminded of
your best possibilities?

Become a subscriber and stay connected to your dreams
with the positive messages of Ralph Marston, set to
spectacular nature photos and peaceful music.

True success comes from staying positive and focused, day after day, month after month. Yet that's a real challenge in today's world that's filled with so much negativity.

Imagine the power of spending a few moments each day reconnecting with the best that is within you. Consider how great and refreshing it would feel to take a daily vacation to somewhere beautiful and peaceful, and to spend that time focused on the positive values you hold most dearly.

When you subscribe to The Daily Motivator, that's exactly the kind of experience you'll be able to enjoy every day.

For more than fifteen years Ralph Marston has been writing and publishing a new Daily Motivator message every day except Sundays. That's more than 4,500 original, positive, motivational messages to date. On top of that, you get instant access to a growing library of more than 100 longer, in-depth Monthly Motivator articles by Ralph Marston covering all sorts of different topics related to success and personal development.

Thousands of people all over the world depend on The Daily Motivator to give them a positive boost each day. At only $15 for an entire year, it is an outstanding value. It is truly an investment in your own best possibilities. And though it is only a modest and very affordable amount (less than 5 cents per day), it can make a significant difference in your outlook, your perspective and your attitude.

When you subscribe, you can choose to have the daily messages sent to you by e-mail each Monday through Saturday. You can read the text of the message right there in your e-mail program, and if you want to view the message as a picture and music presentation, there's a link in the daily e-mail that will take you directly there. The presentations can be viewed on mobile devices (iPhone, Kindle Fire, Galaxy, iPad, etc.) as well as on your computer. You can choose to quickly read just the text, or to linger over the picture and music version. If you'd prefer not to receive the emails each day, you can just turn that feature off and go straight to the website.

The daily messages are usually a few short paragraphs that you can read in a minute or so, or view in the picture and music format in 2-3 minutes. Many subscribers report that taking that brief amount of time each day to re-focus their thoughts in a positive direction can have a truly spectacular impact over time.

In addition to the daily messages, as a subscriber you'll also have access to a growing collection of subscriber-only content on The Daily Motivator website. This includes e-books that you can download, a 3-hour audio program by Ralph Marston (listen to a full-length sample segment), special picture and music presentations for subscribers only, and an archive of longer monthly articles on positive living (with a new one added each month). Plus you'll have access to an archive of previous messages in the picture and music format from May 20, 2006 to the present date.

Plus, there's another feature for subscribers that's designed to boost your positivity. You can enter your own list of positive affirmations and each time you view a Daily Motivator message on the website, several of your own affirmations will appear along with it. It's a powerful way to personalize the inspiring experience of reading The Daily Motivator.

As a subscriber, you'll also be able to download the following e-books from the subscriber-only section of The Daily Motivator website:

A 40-page E-book in PDF format, "Tools For Positive Living" which includes five special reports:

(1) How To Have Anything You Want will take you step-by-step though the process of achieving whatever you want to achieve. In clear, concise, easy-to-understand language, this report outlines proven strategies for success in a way that is truly compelling. This report will get you thinking about exactly what you desire to achieve and why, and will get you excited about taking action to make it happen.

(2) Excuse Busters is a powerful tool that you'll use again and again. If you're ready to stop making excuses and start taking action, this report will let you bust those excuses down to size and get them out of the way.

(3) Creativity is a special report filled with practical, useful ways to increase and enhance your creativity. You're probably a lot more creative than you think you are. This report will help you to uncover and make full use of your natural creative abilities.

(4) "Knowing and Understanding Yourself" will take you through some thought provoking questions to help you discover your most treasured inner values.

(5) "An Investment Guide for Your Time" looks as the precious asset of your time as the powerful investment that it can be.

PLUS, there's another 32-page E-book in PDF format, "The Joyful Treasures of Life" which includes chapters titled "Your Precious Life," "Living With Abundance," "Hidden Treasures," "Keeping Yourself Positively Focused," and "Serenity."

And of course, you'll immediately begin receiving the daily messages each Monday through Saturday, which you can view in the beautiful picture and music format.

Do the messages help? Here's what a few of our subscribers have to say:

I am touched by your daily motivator and am becoming a better person because of it. I find that if I read the daily motivator before I face the rest of the world, I am a much kinder, gentler and happier person. A better Mom also.

I can say in all honesty that it was The Daily Motivator that kept me going many days, and I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world. I know you have touched more people than you will ever know.

Thank you for your positive inspiration each day. You constantly show me the person I so want to become.

Your daily motivational message always helps kick-start my day. It's a good reality check. Also, your record of reliability is phenomenal.

Thank you for your clear messages, they are a joy to read and so powerful in their simple and optimistic way.

As a full time yoga teacher I am blessed to have the opportunity to do what I love and love what I do. I share your words with my students regularly and they all want more each week!

I just wanted to tell you that today's Motivator is one of the best I have ever read. It sure applies to my life. I am putting a copy in my purse and on my refrigerator to remind me of what you have said.

There are so many times I am so very touched by what you write.

Discovering the message each morning is a grand way to begin my day... It always helps me to focus on the positive. WOULDN'T MISS IT.

I am writing to congratulate your effort for making these quotes very true and down to earth.

It turned out to be one of the best things that I've received in some time and helped me tremendously thru may trials over the last few years.

I needed today's message!!

Most days I'm so happy to read your message, and the days on which I'm just not in the mood for that positive message are the ones when it's most important and useful to me for your words to be waiting there in my inbox to kick me out of a negative groove.

But there's no need to take their word for it. It's easy to check out The Daily Motivator for yourself, and to see firsthand the quality and content of the daily messages. Below, you'll find links to more than a dozen sample daily messages in the picture and music format. These are provided to give you an excellent feel for what you'll be able to view each day when you subscribe. Remember, there's a new, original message each Monday through Saturday. And the presentations can be viewed on iPhone, iPad and many other mobile devices, as well as on your computer. Just click below and watch (turn your mobile device screen sideways for the best view). If you're able to view these samples, you'll be able to view the daily messages when you subscribe.

The power of kindness
Forgive, let it go, move forward
Working on it
Offer encouragement
Get it done
Begin and continue
Love this life
Be crazy enough
Go with what unfolds
Powerful space
Where will it all lead?
What you envision
The way it is
You're better

So, did you like what you saw? Interested in more? In addition to viewing the picture and music presentations linked below, you can also check out our archive of more than 5,000 daily messages in text format on The Daily Motivator website. This will give you an in-depth idea of the kind of material The Daily Motivator delivers day after day, month after month, year after year.

Interested in subscribing?

We would love to have you as a subscriber. You can subscribe online with our secure online form using your VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card or American Express Card right now and begin receiving The Daily Motivator with the very next daily issue. Or if you prefer, you can send a check by mail and we'll add you to the list as soon as we receive it.

The cost is only $15.00 (US Dollars) for a full year of messages and access to subscriber-only content on The Daily Motivator website. No, that's not $15 a month -- it's $15 for a FULL YEAR for more than 300 original daily messages reliably delivered to you by e-mail. That's less than five cents each. Many subscribers have told us it's the best bargain on the Internet.

One more thing - We respect your privacy

Your name, e-mail address and other information will NOT be sold, traded, given, rented or otherwise made available to anyone else. You won't receive any advertising in connection with your subscription. The Daily Motivator subscriber list is kept completely confidential. The only thing we use your e-mail address for, is to send you our publication. We're not going to try to sell you a bunch of other stuff. The Daily Motivator is NOT distributed by a list server, but uses proprietary software that does not allow public access to the list.

Thanks again for your interest.

Ralph S. Marston, Jr.
Publisher - The Daily Motivator

© Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.
The Daily Motivator is a registered trademark of Ralph S. Marston, Jr.