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Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.
-- Henry David Thoreau


The MONTHLY Motivator - August 2016


Up to you

It’s up to you. Others can teach you, inspire you, push you forward, help you out, motivate you, encourage you, make introductions, connect you with resources. Yet in the end, you must do the work to create a fulfilling life.

But that’s not a burden. It’s an opportunity. Because the fulfillment is in the doing, not in the having. Yes, you certainly want to reach your goals. But it’s not really because you want to possess whatever things or situations those goals entail. It’s because you want to be the one who makes it happen.

So what do you do? How do you start with where you are right now and work your way to your highest vision of what life can be, prosperous and fulfilled?

Here’s what you do. You do something for love. You do something, not to make money or to raise your position in life or to get more power. You do something to make a difference for a person or a thing or an organization or an idea that you care about. You do it because you know it is the right thing to do.

Acting out of need keeps you weak. Acting out of love strengthens you.

There are plenty of challenges in life, plenty of burdens and hardships. Life is not fair. Those who are powerful usually get more power. Those who are weak often suffer unjustly. You can do something about that. You can make a positive difference, for yourself and for others. No, you’re not going to solve all the world’s problems, not going to right all the injustice and abuse. Yet you can help at least one person, probably a few more, and maybe even a whole lot of folks. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do so. You don’t have to have a lot of money or fame. You just have to care, and to do something about what you care about. And you can do that. It comes naturally when you let it.

So many people these days seem to be wishing, hoping, demanding that other people solve their problems. But it’s an expectation that’s just not going to get them anywhere worthwhile. If you’re ever tempted to adopt that as your expectation, let it go. Let it go, and replace it with the power of responsibility.

Sure, life is unfair. Sure, it’s difficult to take responsibility for circumstances that are not your fault, not of your own making. But as unfair and difficult as it may be, responsibility is the best course. Because responsibility gives you power over your own life. Responsibility enables you to create value out of any situation.

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--Ralph Marston

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