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A child needs your presence more than your presents.
-- Jesse Jackson


The MONTHLY Motivator - May 2010

Dare to live your dreams

Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power to push your whole world forward. Expect great and wonderful and magnificent things in your life. Because what you expect, you experience. Fulfillment is always yours to create in your own unique way. Joy is always yours to live and to give. The only limitation on life’s richness is what you choose to imagine. So imagine a life that is filled with meaning in every moment, and then allow yourself to experience it all.

What is it that excites you, and gets you fired up in a positive way, and makes it impossible for you to sit still? Whatever it is, fill your awareness with it. Bright, sparkling, delicious enthusiasm will get you going in the powerful, purposeful direction of your dreams. Enthusiasm will keep you going strong even when nothing seems to be going your way. There’s something, some goal, some dream, some intrinsic purpose that will put you in that state of irrepressible enthusiasm. Get busy, find it and connect with it because when you do your effectiveness will skyrocket. Let yourself dream your biggest, most wonderful and fulfilling dreams. Then reach in, grab the very essence of those dreams and you’ll have a handful of priceless enthusiasm.

Forget about what you ought to desire. Be clear and precise and richly specific about what you truly do desire. Don’t be ashamed of your innermost dreams. Find them, explore them, expand on them, celebrate them, follow them and fully live them. It’s not selfish to desire what you desire. For by fulfilling those desires, you give the very best of your unique self to all of life. Pay close and loving attention to the essence of who you are. From your most passionate desires will come your most valuable contributions. Take care not to suppress or minimize your authentic desires. Allow yourself to fully feel those dreams, and you will find good, workable ways to follow them.

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--Ralph Marston

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