virgin islands scene

A problem well stated is a problem half solved.
-- Charles F. Kettering


Tuesday, December 14, 1999

Bright days

What could possibly be more astonishing than a sunrise? The display itself is magnificent beyond belief, and yet it goes virtually unnoticed by millions each day. Beyond that, the meaning of the sunrise is even more spectacular, because it heralds the dawn of a new day, a day filled with bright possibilities.

In an unimaginably vast expanse of nothingness, the sun which lights our every day is the only source of warmth and light within trillions of miles. The distance to the next closest star we cannot even comprehend, much less traverse in a thousand lifetimes.

And yet here we are -- warm, bright, full of life and energy. The sun appears around the horizon each morning and makes it all possible. When you find yourself ready to complain about what you don’t have, stop for a moment to consider what incredible things you do have. And resolve to make the most of it all.

— Ralph Marston

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