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Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
-- Stephen Covey


Saturday, November 27, 1999

You define you

Too often, in an effort to better relate to them, we allow other people to define us. Too often, we buy homes, cars and clothes based on what other people think. Too often, we decide what is funny, what is sad and what is acceptable based on what other people think.

You are your own person. Act like it! Learn from others. Give to others. Emulate those whom you admire and respect. But be your own person. The things other people say and think about you are not your reality. You determine your reality. You have every right and ability to decide for yourself who you are.

It’s great to be held in high regard by others, but there is no need to compromise your values or the integrity of your own being in order to accommodate someone else’s opinion. Doing the right thing doesn’t mean doing what popular opinion suggests. Doing the right thing means doing what you know is right. Of what real value is a life lived any other way?

— Ralph Marston

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